Vaia'n Maiden

Vaia’n Maiden Manga Update Chapter 9

Vaia’n Maiden is an ongoing manga series written by Murata Shinya. Also known as “ヴァイアンメイデン” or “机甲圣女” in Japanese, the story revolves around action-packed adventures in a fantasy world. With a combination of action and seinen genres, this manga is sure to captivate readers with its thrilling storyline. As of now, the latest update is Chapter 9, bringing fans even more excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.

Manga Info

  • Title: Vaia’n Maiden
  • Alternative Title: ヴァイアンメイデン ; 机甲圣女
  • Artist: Murata Shinya
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Action, Manga, Seinen
  • Series: Vaia'n Maiden


In a rapidly deteriorating world, a unique all-girls high school opens its doors to first-year girls who have lost their families. However, upon arriving at the welcome ceremony, they soon discover that the reality is far from their expectations. The school serves as an experimental facility, where parentless children are transformed into formidable weapons. Prior to their enrollment, each girl has received an injection granting them the ability to manifest powerful attributes of various animals.

Tragically, tragedy strikes during the welcome ceremony when Tachibana Karin, witnessing her closest friend’s demise, is thrust into the harsh and violent environment of her new school. Tasked with survival amidst chaos, Karin finds herself grappling with the unimaginable challenges that lie ahead.

As she navigates through the perils of her new reality, Karin must adapt quickly and hone her newly acquired abilities in order to overcome the formidable adversaries that await her. With danger lurking at every corner and the weight of her friend’s loss on her shoulders, can Karin find the strength to endure and bring justice to those who have wronged her?

Read Vaia’n Maiden Comics Chapter 9 Legally

The latest update for Vaia’n Maiden manga is here! Chapter 9 is now available, and you can read it legally. Vaia’n Maiden falls under the categories of Action, Seinen, and Manga. As an ongoing series, fans can look forward to more thrilling chapters in the future.

By reading Vaia’n Maiden legally, you are not only supporting the creators and publishers but also showing respect for their hard work. It is essential to acknowledge the efforts behind the production of our favorite manga and ensure they receive the recognition and compensation they deserve.

Thanks to the availability of the series in manga format, fans can immerse themselves in the captivating world of Vaia’n Maiden. With its action-packed storyline and unique appeal, this manga has gained a significant following among enthusiasts of the genre. Make sure not to miss out on the latest updates and keep up with the ongoing story!

The Latest Series from Vaia'n Maiden