The Devil Princess

The Devil Princess Manga Update Chapter 20

The Devil Princess Manga, also known as 悪魔公女, Akuma Koujo, or Demon Noble Girl, is an ongoing series written by Shiki Satoshi and illustrated by Harunohi Biyori. Combining adventure, comedy, fantasy, isekai, psychological elements, romance, shounen, and slice of life genres, this manga follows the story of a young demon princess as she navigates the challenges of her new world.

Manga Info


She had a dream: the world was brimming with light. Family. School. Friends. Trains. Buses. Movies. Books. In that world of light, she grew into adulthood… and at the very end, in a white room, she fell into darkness. She awoke from the dream to find that she had become a demon. In the demon world, she lived a carefree life until she encountered a powerful being.

After spending a long time living as a demon, a yearning for that world of light started to spread in her heart. She impulsively threw herself into a summoning magic circle that had appeared. Then, unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, she had transformed into a human baby.

She found herself in the Holy Kingdom and felt a deep sense of fear. Although she was originally a demon, her strength was now that of a baby. The thought of her true identity being discovered was terrifying. Unsure if she was human or demon, she wondered if she would be able to survive in this new world.

Read The Devil Princess Comics Chapter 20 Legally

The Devil Princess Manga is an ongoing series that falls under various genres such as Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Isekai, Psychological, Romance, Shounen, Slice of life, and Manga. With its unique blend of genres, this manga offers a captivating story and a diverse range of characters that will keep you entertained.

Chapter 20 of The Devil Princess Manga is now available for readers. As an ongoing series, readers can expect consistent updates and new chapters to be released regularly. The story continues to unfold, bringing in more excitement, suspense, and plot twists that will leave readers eagerly waiting for the next chapter.

When it comes to reading The Devil Princess Comics Chapter 20, it is important to support the creators and respect their work by accessing it legally. By doing so, you contribute to the growth and sustainability of the manga industry. There are various platforms and websites that offer legal access to manga, ensuring that creators receive the recognition and compensation they deserve for their hard work.