Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja Manga Update Chapter 79 – Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja, also known as “The Strongest Sage of Disqualified Crest,” is an ongoing manga series written by Shinkou Shotou. The story revolves around a powerful sage who reincarnates himself to become even stronger. With genres spanning action, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, harem, historical, martial arts, romance, school life, and shounen, this manga promises a thrilling and entertaining read.
Manga Info
- Title: Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja
- Alternative Title: 失格紋の最強賢者 ; 失格紋の最強賢者 ~世界最強の賢者が更に強くなるために転生しました~ ; Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja – Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sara ni Tsuyokunaru Tame ni Tensei Shimashita ; The Strongest Sage of Disqualified Crest ; The Strongest Sage of Disqualified Crest~ The World’s Strongest Sage Reincarnated Himself to Become Even Stronger~
- Artist: Shinkou Shotou
- Status: Ongoing
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Historical, Manga, Martial arts, Romance, School life, Shounen
- Series: Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja
In a certain world, there was someone who excelled in magic combat, people called him 『Sage』. Seeking the strongest combat art, he devoted himself to research every magic and combat arts in existence. And the conclusion he arrived at was very cruel, 『My body is not fit for magic combat』. Yet he didn’t give up. He sealed his own soul with a magic art, and was reborn in a far-off future.
In this future world, he discovers that the magic theory has significantly deteriorated. The once powerful and complex magic arts have now decreased to an unbelievably low level. The 『Sage』, having his acquired knowledge and experience intact, is now confronted with the challenge of using his unparalleled magical abilities in order to uplift the weakened magic theory and prove his worth once again. Determined to regain his former glory, the sage embarks on a journey to restore the world’s understanding and appreciation for the true power of magic.
With his vast knowledge and unparalleled strength, the 『Sage』 encounters various individuals and factions, some who doubt his abilities and others who see the immense potential he possesses. As he battles formidable enemies and overcomes countless hurdles, the 『Sage』 brings about a renaissance in the world of magic, where his name becomes synonymous with power, wisdom, and the ultimate magic combat technique.
Read Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja Comics Chapter 79 Legally
Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja is an ongoing manga series that falls under multiple genres including Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Historical, Martial arts, Romance, School life, Shounen, and Manga. With such a wide range of genres, it offers a diverse and engaging reading experience for fans.
The manga revolves around the story of a legendary sage who is reincarnated into a new world. Blessed with immense knowledge and power, he embarks on a journey to become the strongest sage in history. As the story progresses, the protagonist faces various challenges, uncovers hidden truths, and forms unexpected alliances.
Chapter 79 of Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja Comics continues the thrilling saga as the protagonist finds himself in a critical situation. Readers can expect intense action sequences, emotional twists, and further development of the intricate plot. To keep up with the latest updates and read Chapter 79 legally, make sure to follow the official sources of the manga.