School Back

School Back Manga Update Chapter 10

School Back is an ongoing manga series written by Onodera Kokoro. With a title translated as “スクールバック,” this manga follows the story of a group of students as they navigate through the ups and downs of school life. Filled with drama, slice of life moments, and a touch of shounen, readers are sure to be captivated by the adventures within each chapter. Currently, the manga has released its latest chapter, Chapter 10, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what will happen next.

Manga Info


Fushimi is a janitor at a high school. She is tall and hardworking, dedicated to her job of keeping the school clean and tidy. One of her favorite pastimes is enjoying canned coffee during her breaks. More importantly, she has a special ability to connect with people and talk to them from just the right distance, making them feel comfortable.

However, Fushimi is currently struggling with the behavior of those who consider themselves adults but fail to act responsibly. This situation has made her question the type of adult she should aspire to become. She finds herself in a state of contemplation, wondering about the qualities and values necessary to be a mature and responsible individual in today’s society.

If you find yourself going through a similar phase or feeling lost as to what it means to be an adult, Fushimi invites you to join her on her journey. She hopes that by observing her experiences and conversations, you might find solace, clarity, or perhaps even gain a new perspective on adulthood.

Read School Back Comics Chapter 10 Legally

School Back is an ongoing manga series that falls under various categories including Drama, School life, Shounen, Slice of life, and Manga. With its captivating storyline and relatable characters, this manga has gained a lot of popularity among fans of different genres.

The latest update, Chapter 10, continues to offer readers an exciting and unpredictable plot. As the story unfolds, readers can delve deep into the lives of the characters, experiencing the ups and downs of their high school lives. Whether it’s the drama surrounding friendships, school events, or personal growth, School Back never fails to keep readers engaged.

To ensure that you enjoy the latest chapter legally, make sure to support the creators and publishers by reading it through official and authorized platforms. By doing so, you not only have access to high-quality scans but also contribute to the growth and continuation of this amazing manga series.

The Latest Series from School Back