Sakamoto Days

Sakamoto Days Manga Update Chapter 152

Sakamoto Days is an ongoing manga series written by Suzuki Yuuto. The story revolves around Sakamoto, a legendary assassin who retires and becomes a househusband. However, his peaceful life is disrupted when he is forced to return to his old ways to protect his family. Filled with comedy, supernatural elements, and captivating action, this series is a must-read for fans of shonen manga.

Manga Info


Taro Sakamoto used to be the most feared assassin, renowned among villains and respected by fellow hitmen. However, everything changed when love entered his life. He decided to retire from his dangerous profession and embraced a new journey as a family man. Soon, he got married and became a father. Life seemed perfect, until one day, Sakamoto realized he had put on weight.

Unbeknownst to the people of his neighborhood, the unassuming and plump guy running the local store was once a legendary hitman. Despite his new appearance and mundane job, danger still loomed around him and his family. Sakamoto’s past came knocking at his door, seeking to disrupt the peaceful life he had worked so hard to build.

Now, the challenge for Sakamoto is to protect his loved ones and shield them from the perils that his former life entails. Get ready to dive into an exhilarating action comedy series that demonstrates the extraordinary lengths a devoted family man will go to safeguard his family from harm.

Read Sakamoto Days Comics Chapter 152 Legally

Sakamoto Days is an ongoing manga series that falls under the genres of comedy, shounen, supernatural, and manga. The manga is currently at Chapter 152 and is gaining popularity among fans worldwide. If you’re a fan of action-packed storylines with a touch of humor and supernatural elements, this manga is definitely worth checking out.

One of the advantages of reading Sakamoto Days Comics Chapter 152 legally is that you are supporting the creators and publishers behind this amazing manga. By purchasing the official releases or subscribing to legal manga platforms, you contribute to the continuation of the series and ensure that the creators receive the recognition and compensation they deserve for their hard work.

Legal sources also provide a reliable and high-quality reading experience. You can enjoy the manga with crisp images and translations that stay true to the original intent of the author. Additionally, legal platforms often offer convenient features such as offline reading, bookmarking, and easy navigation, enhancing your overall manga reading experience.