Nezumi No Hatsukoi

Nezumi No Hatsukoi Manga Update Chapter 10

Nezumi No Hatsukoi, also known as “ねずみの初恋” or “Nezumi’s First Love”, is a manga series written by Oosetu Riku. This ongoing manga explores the genres of Drama, Romance, Seinen, and Manga. The latest update, Chapter 10, has recently been released, adding more depth to the story and characters.

Manga Info

  • Title: Nezumi No Hatsukoi
  • Alternative Title: ねずみの初恋 ; Nezumi’s First Love ; Nezumi no Hatsukoi
  • Artist: Oosetu Riku
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Drama, Manga, Romance, Seinen
  • Series: Nezumi No Hatsukoi


Nezumi no Hatsukoi is a manga that is being updated. You can read the latest chapter of this manga on If you have any questions about this manga, do not hesitate to reach out to us or the translation team. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Read Nezumi No Hatsukoi Comics Chapter 10 Legally

Nezumi No Hatsukoi is an ongoing manga series that falls under the genres of Drama, Romance, Seinen, and Manga. With the release of Chapter 10, fans of this captivating story can look forward to the latest developments in the lives of the characters.

As an avid reader, it’s essential to support the creators and the industry by accessing the manga through legal means. By doing so, you contribute to the growth and sustainability of the manga community, ensuring that more exciting stories like Nezumi No Hatsukoi continue to be published.

Reading manga chapters legally also means that you can enjoy the highest quality images and translations. It guarantees that you are viewing the original content as intended by the creators, bringing you a seamless experience that immerses you fully in the world of Nezumi No Hatsukoi.