My Dog Becomes A Human

My Dog Becomes A Human Manga Update Chapter 18

My Dog Becomes A Human Manga is an ongoing comedy and slice of life series written by Kenji Hamada. The story revolves around a dog named Inu who mysteriously transforms into a human. In each chapter, Inu’s daily life is explored as he learns to navigate the human world while dealing with comedic situations. With its unique premise and humorous storytelling, My Dog Becomes A Human is a must-read for manga enthusiasts.

Manga Info


One day, pet dogs in this town suddenly become human beings. The story revolves around Saki, the owner, and Ponta, her dog.

This unexpected transformation brings about a series of challenges and adventures for both Saki and Ponta. As Ponta adjusts to his new human form, he must learn to navigate the complexities and responsibilities of being a human. From interacting with other humans to adapting to everyday activities, Ponta embarks on a journey of self-discovery.

Meanwhile, Saki finds herself struggling to comprehend this strange phenomenon and understand how it has affected her beloved pet. Together, they embark on a quest to find the cause of this supernatural event and hopefully find a way to turn things back to normal.

Read My Dog Becomes A Human Comics Chapter 18 Legally

My Dog Becomes A Human is an ongoing manga that falls under the categories of Comedy, Slice of Life, and Manga. The latest chapter, Chapter 18, is now available for readers to enjoy legally.

The story revolves around an extraordinary transformation where a dog turns into a human. This unique concept brings about hilarious situations and heartwarming moments that are sure to captivate readers. Each chapter takes the readers on a journey filled with laughter, emotions, and unexpected twists.

As the manga is still ongoing, fans can look forward to more exciting chapters in the future. The series combines comedy and slice of life elements, providing a refreshing and entertaining reading experience. With its unique premise and well-crafted storytelling, My Dog Becomes A Human has gained a dedicated fanbase worldwide.