Legend (Takano Masaharu)

Legend (Takano Masaharu) Manga Update Chapter 90

Legend (Takano Masaharu) Manga Update Chapter 90 is the latest installment in the ongoing manga series created by Kannazuki Kurenai. With a captivating blend of action, adventure, drama, fantasy, mature themes, romance, and seinen, this manga has been captivating readers since its inception. As we dive into Chapter 90, we can expect more exciting developments and plot twists to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Manga Info


Reiji Saeki, a resident of a small countryside town in the northeast, tragically loses his life in a summer vacation accident. However, his journey doesn’t end there. Suddenly, he finds himself in a world consumed by immaculate whiteness, with a mysterious ball of light hovering before him. This ball of light, originating from a parallel universe, seeks a worthy successor who can inherit their unique magic and prevent it from being lost forever.

Accepting the ball’s proposition, Reiji is transported to the parallel world of Elgin, armed with a renewed physical form and an incredible surge of magical power. Embarking on this surreal new adventure, Reiji encounters dangerous creatures, mind-bending challenges, and unforgettable characters who test his newfound abilities.

In Elgin, Reiji’s latent potential as a magician flourishes, as he delves deeper into the mysteries and secrets of this strange realm. Can he harness his magical abilities to protect Elgin and unravel the enigma behind his own arrival in this parallel universe? Ready to face whatever lies ahead, Reiji embraces his role as the chosen one to preserve the ancient magic of Elgin.

Read Legend (Takano Masaharu) Comics Chapter 90 Legally

The Legend (Takano Masaharu) manga series is an ongoing comic that falls into various genres such as Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mature, Romance, Seinen, and Manga. With an exciting storyline and captivating characters, this manga has gained popularity among readers around the world.

Chapter 90 of the Legend (Takano Masaharu) manga has been recently updated, continuing the thrilling journey of the protagonist and unfolding new twists and turns in the plot. As a fan, it is important to support the creators and read this chapter legally to ensure the continuation of this amazing series.

You can access Chapter 90 of Legend (Takano Masaharu) manga legally at various online manga platforms. These platforms offer a wide range of manga titles, including the latest chapters, while supporting and respecting the rights of the creators. By reading the manga legally, you contribute to the growth and development of the manga industry.