Kyokutou Chimeratica

Kyokutou Chimeratica Manga Update Chapter 22

Kyokutou Chimeratica manga, also known as “極東キメラティカ; Kyokutō kimeratika; Far East Chimera,” is an ongoing series created by Itabashi Daisuke. The story follows the thrilling adventures of the main characters in a world filled with action, adventure, fantasy, martial arts, and seinen elements. Currently, the manga has released its latest chapter, Chapter 22.

Manga Info


“Kyokutou Chimeratica” is a compelling manga that revolves around the concept of “Chimeras” – extraordinary creatures capable of assuming the form of any creature except humans. The story follows Yuri, a skilled and independent Hunter, who passionately hunts down these elusive beings. She leads a carefree existence until one fateful encounter with a human-shaped Chimera alters her life forever. Intriguingly, something inexplicable starts to resonate within her.

Set in a world where Hunters tirelessly pursue and eradicate Chimeras, the manga intricately explores Yuri’s journey as she delves deeper into the secrets surrounding these enigmatic creatures. Alongside her spear-wielding companions, Yuri’s exceptional skills as a Hunter captivate readers on an enthralling adventure.

With its exhilarating blend of action, mystery, and fantastical elements, “Kyokutou Chimeratica” is a must-read manga for fans seeking a captivating storyline. Explore the mesmerizing universe of Chimera hunting as Yuri confronts her own existence and the hidden truths buried within her identity.

Read Kyokutou Chimeratica Comics Chapter 22 Legally

Kyokutou Chimeratica is an ongoing manga series that falls under the genres of Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial arts, Seinen, and Manga. With its thrilling storyline and captivating illustrations, this manga has gained a strong fanbase worldwide.

Chapter 22 of Kyokutou Chimeratica has recently been released, and fans are eagerly waiting to dive into the next installment of this exciting series. As the storyline progresses, we can expect more intense action, suspenseful adventures, and intriguing characters.

To enjoy Kyokutou Chimeratica Comics Chapter 22 legally and support the creators, you can visit authorized manga platforms or websites. These platforms provide a legitimate way to read the manga and ensure that the creators receive the recognition and compensation they deserve for their hard work.

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