Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru

Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru Manga Update Chapter 2

Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru Manga Update Chapter 2 is an ongoing manga series written by Kanazawa Shinnosuke. With a touch of drama and slice of life elements, the story revolves around a boss who unexpectedly transforms into a cat. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of Kumicho’s feline adventures.

Manga Info


The manga “Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru” tells the story of a gang leader who, after being shot and killed by a young leader, is inexplicably reborn as a cat. This cat is then discovered and taken in by a junior high school girl.

Despite the cat’s new form, it retains memories of its previous life as a powerful gang leader. As the story unfolds, the girl soon realizes that her new feline companion is far from ordinary. The cat’s intelligence and instincts, combined with its past experiences, add a unique twist to their everyday lives.

While adapting to life as a cat, the former gang leader is also on a journey of self-discovery. It must come to terms with its past actions and reconcile its previous life with its current existence as a beloved pet. Along the way, the bond between the girl and the cat deepens as they navigate through various challenges and adventures together.

Read Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru Comics Chapter 2 Legally

Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru is an ongoing manga series that falls under the categories of Drama, Slice of life, and Manga. The series is currently at chapter 2 and is available for legal reading.

With its captivating storytelling and relatable characters, Kumicho, Neko Ni Naru has captured the hearts of manga fans worldwide. The series delves into the life of a young Yakuza boss who unexpectedly transforms into a cat. This unique premise provides a refreshing blend of drama and slice of life elements.

As an ongoing manga, readers can follow the journey of the protagonist and explore the complexities of his new feline existence. The narrative unfolds in a way that keeps readers engaged while delivering both emotional and comedic moments.

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