King Of Popularity

King Of Popularity Manhua Update Chapter 65

King Of Popularity Manhua Update Chapter 65 is the latest installment in the ongoing series by Changsha Angel Culture Co. – Ltd. – Shen Manjun. Titled “King Of Popularity,” the manhua follows the adventures of Huo Bao, a student who discovers that he possesses incredible popularity powers. Combining elements of adventure, comedy, fantasy, school life, and shoujo, this manhua is sure to keep readers entertained.

Manhua Info


Tang Zhong, a prisoner, is unexpectedly assigned a mission to replace his sister in a girl group. Despite resembling his twin sister, Tang Xin, the other members of the girl group are skeptical about Tang Zhong’s abilities. Being inexperienced as an idol, the question arises whether Tang Zhong can convincingly portray Tang Xin and actualize her dreams.

As Tang Zhong ventures into this new world, he finds himself facing numerous challenges. From the pressure of living up to Tang Xin’s reputation to navigating the competitive nature of the entertainment industry, he must quickly adapt and prove his worth. Tang Zhong’s lack of idol skills only intensifies the doubts of his fellow group members.

However, with determination and passion, Tang Zhong strives to overcome all obstacles in his path. Through rigorous training and the support of his friends, he gradually starts capturing the hearts of fans and gaining recognition within the girl group. As the story progresses, Tang Zhong’s journey of self-discovery and growth unfolds, showcasing his transformation from a prisoner-turned-idol to a symbol of popularity.

Read King Of Popularity Comics Chapter 65 Legally

The King of Popularity Manhua has recently updated with the exciting Chapter 65. This comic falls under various categories, including Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, School Life, Shoujo, and Manhua. If you enjoy any of these genres, this comic will surely captivate your interest.

As of now, King of Popularity is an ongoing comic series, which means that you can anticipate more thrilling chapters in the future. The storyline is engaging, and the characters are well-developed, making it a worthwhile read for any comic enthusiast.

Don’t hesitate! Start reading King of Popularity Comics Chapter 65 legally and continue following this incredible manhua. Stay tuned for the surprises that await you in each chapter as you immerse yourself in the fascinating world of this comic.

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