
Kakeru Manga Update Chapter 36

Kakeru Manga Update Chapter 36: Kakeru, also known as カケル, is a captivating manga series by Takeshita Kenjirou. With an ongoing status, this manga combines elements of horror, mystery, seinen, and supernatural genres. The latest update brings us to Chapter 36, where the story continues to unfold, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

Manga Info


When Kakeru Daiba, a high school student, engages in long-distance running, he experiences a phenomenon known as the runner’s high. This state enhances his senses and provides him with a newfound level of ability. However, when Kakeru’s crush, Natsume, suddenly goes missing under mysterious circumstances, he is compelled to use his extraordinary power in ways he never anticipated.

Driven by his determination to find Natsume, Kakeru embarks on a thrilling adventure that forces him to confront a series of unexpected challenges. As he delves deeper into the secrets behind Natsume’s disappearance, Kakeru’s talents as a runner prove to be indispensable in uncovering the truth.

Throughout his journey, Kakeru encounters a diverse cast of characters who either hinder or aid his mission. With each step he takes, Kakeru unravels a complex web of intrigue and danger. As he races against time, he learns more about himself and the untapped potential that lies within him.

Read Kakeru Comics Chapter 36 Legally

Kakeru Manga is an ongoing manga series that falls under the categories of Horror, Mystery, Seinen, Supernatural, and Manga. It is a gripping story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats with its thrilling and mysterious plot.

Chapter 36 of Kakeru Comics continues the exciting journey of the main characters as they unravel the secrets and supernatural elements within their world. As the story progresses, readers are taken deeper into the dark and eerie atmosphere, making it a must-read for fans of the horror and supernatural genre.

One of the key factors that sets Kakeru Manga apart is its commitment to providing a legal reading experience for fans. By accessing the manga through official platforms or authorized distributors, readers can enjoy the latest chapter without any worries about violating copyright laws. This ensures that the creators and publishers are supported, allowing them to continue producing high-quality content.