Isekai De Kojiin Wo Hiraita Kedo, Naze Ka Darehitori Sudatou To Shinai Ken is an ongoing manga written by Hatsue, Renge, and Ariike Tomosane. The story revolves around a protagonist who opens an orphanage in another world. However, for some unknown reason, no one wants to leave. This manga combines adventure, ecchi, fantasy, harem, romance, seinen, and slice of life genres.
Manga Info
- Title: Isekai De Kojiin Wo Hiraita Kedo, Naze Ka Darehitori Sudatou To Shinai Ken
- Alternative Title: Isekai de Kojiin wo Hiraitakedo, nazeka Darehitori Sudatou to Shinai Ken ; I opened an orphanage in another world, but for some reason no one wants to leave. ; Isekai de Kojiin wo Hiraita kedo, Naze ka Darehitori Sudatou to Shinai Ken ; Isekai de Kojiin wo hiraitakedo nazeka darehitori sudatou to shinaiken ; 在异世界开了孤儿院,但不知为何没有一个人想离开 ; 異世界で孤児院を開いたけど、なぜか誰一人巣立とうとしない件 ; 이세계에서 고아원을 열었지만, 어째서인지 아무도 독립하려 하지 않는다
- Artist: Hatsue – Renge – Ariike Tomosane
- Status: Ongoing
- Genres: Adventure, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Manga, Romance, Seinen, Slice of life
- Series: Isekai De Kojiin Wo Hiraita Kedo, Naze Ka Darehitori Sudatou To Shinai Ken
Masatsugu, a young man summoned from another world as a hero, finds himself in the lowest caste and facing various challenges. Despite possessing only basic skills, he is tasked with managing an orphanage filled with beautiful girls. However, his troubles have just begun as he discovers the dilapidated state of the building and a massive debt left behind by the former director.
As Masatsugu strives to protect the orphanage, he must also confront numerous scumbags who threaten the safety and well-being of the children. With limited time and resources, he faces an uphill battle in safeguarding the precious home for these vulnerable children.
Will Masatsugu be able to overcome the obstacles and protect the orphanage, providing a safe and nurturing environment for these girls who have nowhere else to turn? Join him on this challenging journey as he strives to fulfill his duties and create a haven amidst the chaos.
Read Isekai De Kojiin Wo Hiraita Kedo, Naze Ka Darehitori Sudatou To Shinai Ken Comics Chapter 55 Legally
If you’re a fan of adventure, ecchi, fantasy, harem, romance, seinen, and slice of life manga, then you should definitely check out “Isekai De Kojiin Wo Hiraita Kedo, Naze Ka Darehitori Sudatou To Shinai Ken.” This ongoing manga series has captivated readers with its unique storyline and engaging characters.
The story follows the life of Suimei, a young man who is transported to a parallel world filled with magic and magical beings. In this new world, Suimei becomes a powerful magician and faces various challenges and adventures. Throughout his journey, he encounters different characters who join him on his quest, creating a harem-like atmosphere.
With each chapter, readers are immersed in a world of fantasy and romance. The manga beautifully portrays the development of relationships between characters, making it a thrilling and enjoyable read for fans of the genre. Whether you’re a fan of action-packed adventures or heartwarming slice of life moments, this manga has something for everyone.