
Hool!gan’s Manga Update Chapter 3

Hool!gan’s Manga is a thrilling ongoing series written and illustrated by Itani Iro. With a unique blend of action, historical elements, and Shounen themes, this manga keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The story revolves around a group of hooligans who navigate through various challenges in their quest for power and survival. With each chapter, readers are treated to intense battle scenes and captivating plot twists. Stay tuned for the latest updates as Hool!gan’s Manga continues to captivate audiences worldwide!

Manga Info


Mafia, four eyes, loli, ninja… All of them are alchemists?! In the late 19th century, in the East End of London, there exists a group known as the “Hooligans” – a bunch of misfits. Lee Heartlib, an alchemist who has inherited the responsibility of the city from the previous generation, has a vision to create the ultimate “paradise” by alchemizing the despairing individuals into happiness.

The story revolves around the exhilarating and thrilling adventures of the “Hooligans” as they engage in an alchemy battle to establish their dominance. Lee Heartlib, driven by a desire for utopia, uses alchemy to transform drug addicts into blissful individuals, thereby aiming to reshape society.

With a unique blend of action, comedy, and fantasy, “Hool!gan’s” presents a new set of rules for alchemy battles. Dive into the world of these peculiar alchemists as they strive to achieve their goals, unleashing unprecedented power and encountering unexpected mysteries along the way.

Read Hool!gan’s Comics Chapter 3 Legally

Hool!gan’s Manga is an ongoing action-packed historical shounen manga series. The latest update, Chapter 3, continues to captivate readers with its thrilling storyline and exciting action sequences.

With its unique blend of action, historical elements, and shounen tropes, Hool!gan’s Manga has gained a dedicated fanbase. The series takes place in a historical setting, filled with dynamic characters and intense battles. Each chapter keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly waiting to find out what happens next.

As a fan of Hool!gan’s Manga, it’s important to support the creators and read the latest chapters legally. By doing so, we can ensure the continued success of the series and encourage the creators to keep delivering quality content. So, let’s join together and dive into Chapter 3 of Hool!gan’s Manga legally!