Deep Insanity

Deep Insanity Manga Update Chapter 23

Deep Insanity is an ongoing manga series written by Fukami Makoto and illustrated by Kaihou Norimitsu. The story revolves around a group of individuals who find themselves trapped in a mysterious underground facility while battling grotesque creatures. With its action-packed plot, thrilling adventure, elements of horror, and a touch of sci-fi, Deep Insanity offers readers a captivating reading experience. Currently at Chapter 23, fans are eagerly following the developments in this intense world.

Manga Info


One day, a large hole named Asylum is discovered in Antarctica. At the same time, the mysterious coma-inducing illness Randolph Syndrome begins spreading around the world. Many countries sent an investigation squad to the asylum, believing it to be the cause of the disease, but not a single person safely returned.

Sergiu Sol, a boy with a special resistance to the disease, and Antarctica’s jack-of-all-trades Hildegard Olympiada Yamada, decide to take on the challenge of the large hole without a map, but…!?

What is the cause of the coma-inducing disease? What in the world is the Asylum? Go down to the deep, jet-black bottom, one with insanity.

Read Deep Insanity Comics Chapter 23 Legally

The Deep Insanity manga series is an exciting blend of action, adventure, horror, and sci-fi. With its captivating storyline and stunning artwork, it has gained a dedicated following of manga enthusiasts worldwide. The manga is currently ongoing, ensuring that fans can look forward to more thrilling chapters in the future.

If you are a fan of intense and dynamic storytelling, Deep Insanity is a must-read. The series takes readers on a wild ride filled with suspense, mystery, and adrenaline-pumping action. Each chapter leaves you craving for more as the plot thickens and new revelations unravel.

By reading Deep Insanity Comics Chapter 23 legally, you not only support the talented creators and publishers but also ensure that you have access to the highest quality version of the manga. Legal sources provide an authentic and reliable reading experience, free from any unauthorized alterations or infringements.

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