Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta

Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta Manga Update Chapter 19

Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta is a manga series written by Takata and illustrated by Ono Rin. The story follows a protagonist who becomes friends with the second cutest girl in his class. With a mix of comedy, romance, school life, and slice of life elements, this ongoing manga keeps readers engaged with its charming storyline and lovable characters.

Manga Info


I, Maehara Maki, a high school student who struggled to make acquaintances or friends, finally found someone I could hang out with outside of school. This special person was Asanagi-san, a girl. Although the boys in my class secretly referred to her as ‘the class’s second cutest girl,’ she would decline her best friend Amami’s invitation just to spend time at my house on Fridays. During our precious moments together, we would play games, watch movies, read manga, and indulge in junk food like pizza and hamburgers while happily drinking cola.

Although others may perceive us as sloppy, these secret moments were treasures shared exclusively between Asanagi-san and me. Our bond grew stronger as we reveled in each other’s company without a care in the world. We created a sanctuary within our friendship, exploring the depths of mutual understanding and support.

As we continued to nurture this special connection, Maehara Maki navigated the complexities of high school life and discovered the power of having a true friend. Together, we ventured into uncharted territory, defying societal norms and creating a unique bond that transcended the boundaries of a typical friendship.

Read Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta Comics Chapter 19 Legally

Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta is an ongoing manga series that falls into the genres of Comedy, Romance, School life, Slice of life. The story revolves around the life of a cute and charming girl who becomes friends with her classmates. The manga is currently in its 19th chapter and you can read it legally.

This manga is a delightful blend of humor, romance, and the ups and downs of school life. It gives readers an entertaining and heartwarming experience as they follow the main character’s journey along with her friends. With each chapter, the story unfolds, revealing twists and turns that keep readers hooked.

If you are a fan of manga that explores the complexities of relationships and showcases the daily life of high school students, then Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta is the perfect choice for you. You can enjoy the latest chapter, Chapter 19, legally and stay up to date with the ongoing story.

The Latest Series from Class De 2 Banme Ni Kawaii Onna No Ko To Tomodachi Ni Natta