Angel Heart

Angel Heart Manga Update Chapter 317

Angel Heart is a manga series written by Hojo Tsukasa. The story revolves around a mysterious girl named Angel Heart who receives a heart transplant from a former assassin. As she wakes up with the new heart, she inherits the memories and the mission of the assassin. With a mix of action, comedy, drama, and romance, this ongoing manga explores the complexities of Angel Heart’s new life and the secrets she unravels along the way.

Manga Info


A young Taiwanese assassin codenamed “Glass Heart” committed suicide by jumping off a building, and her heart was pierced by a metal fence. Miraculously, her life was saved by heart transplantation. During her recovery she began to experience strange dreams, which led her to Japan looking for the donor of her heart, who happens to be Kaori Makimura, former partner of City Hunter.

Read Angel Heart Comics Chapter 317 Legally

Angel Heart is an ongoing manga series that falls under various genres such as Action, Comedy, Drama, Mature, Mystery, Romance, Seinen, Tragedy. The series keeps readers intrigued with its captivating storyline and well-developed characters. With Chapter 317 now out, fans eagerly await the next installment.

One of the reasons why Angel Heart has gained popularity among manga enthusiasts is its ability to seamlessly mix multiple genres. From intense action sequences and comedic moments to deep emotional themes and thrilling mystery, this series provides a well-rounded reading experience.

For fans who want to enjoy Angel Heart Comics Chapter 317 legally, there are several online platforms where the chapters are available. These platforms ensure that readers can access the manga legally and support the author and publisher. By choosing to read the manga legally, fans contribute to the continued success of the series and allow for further development and releases.