Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru!

Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru! Manga Update Chapter 21

Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru! is a comedy manga written by Muchi Maro. The story revolves around the student council, and despite their seemingly perfect image, they have their own flaws and quirks. With a touch of slice-of-life, this ongoing manga provides humorous and relatable situations in a school setting.

Manga Info

  • Title: Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru!
  • Alternative Title: 生徒会にも穴はある! ; В студсовете тоже есть дырка! ; Even The Student Council Has Holes ; There’s also a Hole in the Student Council
  • Artist: Muchi Maro
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Genres: Comedy, Manga, School life, Shounen, Slice of life
  • Series: Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru!


When it comes to the face of this student organization, it’s a little weird, like a fool, scary, or moody. However, mysterious and futuristic days that seem strangely cute pass by. The world’s cutest daily life 4 frames presented by a little genius Muchimaro!

Read Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru! Comics Chapter 21 Legally

Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru! is an ongoing manga series that falls under the genres of Comedy, School life, Shounen, Slice of life, and Manga. The story revolves around the activities of a student council in a high school.

Chapter 21 of the manga is now available to read legally. The chapter continues to delve into the humorous and relatable experiences of the student council members as they navigate through their daily lives at school. Fans of the series can enjoy the comedic moments and the slice of life elements that the manga offers.

By reading this manga legally, you are supporting the creators and the industry as a whole. It is important to respect the efforts and hard work put into creating these stories and characters. You can read Seitokai Ni Mo Ana Wa Aru! Comics Chapter 21 legally on authorized platforms or by purchasing the manga volumes to have a physical copy of your own.