
Hyougemono Manga Update Chapter 271

The manga series “Hyougemono” by Yamada Yoshihiro is an ongoing story filled with comedy, drama, historical elements, and psychological themes. With its alternative titles of “へうげもの” and “Heugemono,” this manga explores the journey of the main character as he delves into the world of tea for life and tea for the universe. Currently at Chapter 271, “Hyougemono” continues to captivate readers with its unique blend of genres.

Manga Info


Tea for Universe, Tea for Life. It’s the Sengoku Era, a time when warring daimyou usurped each other constantly. There was a man whose soul was overtaken by the ways of tea and material greed as he worked his way up toward greater power and status. His name was Furuta Sasuke, a vassal of Oda Nobunaga.

With his world broadened by the genius Nobunaga and with the spiritual insight learned from Senno Soueki, Master of Tea, Sasuke travels the road of the Hyouge Mono, or comical fellow. To live or not to live. For power or for the arts. That is the question!

Read Hyougemono Comics Chapter 271 Legally

Are you a fan of comedy, drama, historical, psychological, seinen manga? If so, then Hyougemono is the perfect manga for you! With its ongoing status, you can enjoy the latest updates and adventures in Chapter 271, legally.

Hyougemono is a manga that offers a unique blend of comedy, drama, and historical themes. Set in the Sengoku period of Japan, it tells the story of Sasuke Furuta, a tea master who is obsessed with the art of tea ceremony. Sasuke’s eccentric personality and his love for tea often lead to amusing and thought-provoking situations.

As a seinen manga, Hyougemono caters to a mature audience and delves deep into the psychological aspects of its characters. It explores themes such as ambition, power struggles, and the pursuit of perfection. The beautifully illustrated panels and intricate plotlines make Hyougemono a compelling read for manga enthusiasts.