I'm The Only One Not Crossdressing!?

I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!? Manga Update Chapter 19

I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!? is a manga series written by Tanaka Nunu. Also known as Josou Shinai no wa Ore Dake na no ka!?, this comedic and gender-bender manga has captured the attention of readers. With a current status of ongoing, it provides an intriguing storyline filled with laughter and unexpected twists.

Manga Info


Naoki Tozawa is determined to become a true man among men, so he enrolls in an all-boys high school renowned for producing strong and resilient individuals for society. However, his expectations are shattered when he realizes that several students have started crossdressing after a year of attending the school. The rumors suggest that a member of the photography club is behind this peculiar phenomenon, prompting Naoki to confront Ueda, a fellow club member who astonishingly passes as a girl.

As Naoki dives deeper into his investigation, he discovers a hidden world within the school, where boys showcase their feminine side by wearing girls’ clothing. While initially bewildered and troubled by this revelation, Naoki soon finds himself fascinated by the individual stories and struggles of his classmates. It becomes an eye-opening journey for Naoki as he learns to challenge societal norms and embrace diversity.

“I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!?” is a manga that explores themes of self-discovery, gender identity, and acceptance. Through Naoki’s perspective, readers are invited to explore the complexities of gender expression and the importance of breaking free from societal expectations. Join Naoki as he navigates through a school environment where the boundaries of gender blur, and friendships and personal growth blossom in unexpected ways.

Read I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!? Comics Chapter 19 Legally

I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!? is a comedy manga series that falls under the genres of gender bender and comedy. The manga is currently ongoing and has recently released its 19th chapter. As fans eagerly anticipate the next installment, readers can legally access and enjoy Chapter 19 of this hilarious manga.

The story revolves around a protagonist who finds themselves in a peculiar situation. Everyone around them is crossdressing, except for the protagonist themselves. This unique concept leads to a plethora of comedic situations as they navigate through a world where gender norms are flipped. The manga explores the comedic potential of this premise, ensuring laughter on every page.

What sets I’m The Only One Not Crossdressing!? apart is its ability to balance comedy with engaging storytelling. While the series primarily focuses on providing amusement to the readers, it also delves into deeper themes related to gender identity and societal norms. Through humorous moments and well-crafted characters, the manga challenges preconceived notions and provides an insightful commentary on gender roles.